Akashic Records Reading

The Akashic Records are said to be a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever.

Your #SoulFul Akashic Record Reading Practitioner

What are the Akashic Records?

The Word “Akashic” is derived from the Sanskrit word, “Akasha” which means space.  The Akashic Records are about your Soul’s path in this lifetime, not about anticipating the future. The findings within the Akashic Records guide you in directions that will help you to live your most abundant life. We are the authors of our own lives and the Akashic Records are constantly updating according to our choices. The information in the Akashic Records is made real by our thoughts, deeds, and interactions with the rest of creation.

The Akashic Records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.

The Word “Akashic” is derived from the Sanskrit word, “Akasha” which means space.  The Akashic Records are about your Soul’s path in this lifetime, not about anticipating the future. The findings within the Akashic Records guide you in directions that will help you to live your most abundant life. We are the authors of our own lives and the Akashic Records are constantly updating according to our choices. The information in the Akashic Records is made real by our thoughts, deeds, and interactions with the rest of creation.

The Akashic Records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human.

Akasha is a subtle dimension of physical manifestation.  Modern science is recognizing that there is something called as akashic intelligence, that is, empty space has a certain intelligence.  It is in this 5th Dimension that the Akashic Records are available.  We access the Record Keeper, Masters and Guides of the Akashic Records through meditation, prayers and intent.  The Akashic records hold the information of your Soul, past, present and future.

The information from the Akashic Records has a tremendous impact on our lives and potentials. It provides insights into our nature and our relationship to the universe. Our histories become more relevant and our influence on determining our futures, more potent.  The Records hold all the data of your entire life.  The data in your Records is designed to offer you clarity and self-awareness from the viewpoint of your Soul thereby, empowering you to make decisions and choices for your highest good.

To Know where we are going, we must first know where we came from.  This is the vital information that we can access via Soul Realignment™ within the Akashic Records.  Soul Realignment™ goes deep into learning about your Soul blueprint and your Divine gifts.  When you know what your Divine gifts are you can make choices based on your talents and gifts which will bring immense abundance into your life.  We also dig deep into your Records to find what present and past life blocks and restriction are disempowering you, as a consequence of which you might be experiencing lack in your life.

Having an Akashic Record Reading allows the Records to work with your inner healer in ways that are most beneficial to you.  It is grounding, nourishing and reassuring to be guided by the Masters, Teacher and Loved Ones in the Akashic Records.  Being in the energy of your Records in itself will carry healing whether or not you are aware.

Why Soulful?

Because the Reader lives by the unifying virtue that the Sacred in me recognises the Sacred in you. The Reader is totally invested in empowering the Wisdom Seeker to take baby steps towards personal transformation & prosperity and thereby live their best human experience.

Why Akashic Records Reading?

Because the information that we tap into from our Records Keepers and Guides is not available to us at our 4th dimensional intellectual level. We are multi-dimensional beings and play out our lives in multiple dimensions at the same time. Quantum Physics recognises 10 Dimensions. Our physical body is at the 3rd dimension, our mind is at the 4th dimension and records of our Soul journey and the choices our Soul has made over past lifetimes can be found in the vibrational field of the 5th dimension. It is through the Readings in the Akashic Records that we can see where our lives are stuck at this present moment. We begin to see the patterns of self-sabotage that disempower us and show up as lack in our human experience. With this knowledge we can finally make the changes that bring prosperity into our lives.

It was like nothing I’ve experienced before and not what I expected. The session began with a short meditation designed to cleanse the chakras and integrate the divine universal energy with the pure energy of Mother Earth. This was a beautiful and exhilarating experience. We then went into the Reading session and it was, well, more normal than I expected. She had her eyes closed, asked questions and received answers. They were spot on, it all made sense. I’ll admit, I went in with a 2% doubt that it was for real, but I left feeling like it 100% must be real – there were too many ‘coincidences’ for it to not be. I learnt so much from my reading about my relationships and why they are the way they are, how to improve them, my ability to manifest a life I want and how to progress my soul on its journey in this lifetime. I can happily say I meditate on these learnings frequently and I can already see positive change in my life. Thank you!


15 August 2024


 14 Apr 2023
I had an absolutely brilliant, thorough, insightful session with Kavita and so I felt like sharing a review wholeheartedly. She was recommended by a friend and I now feel compelled to share with my spiritual friends. This has been a big step in my self-awareness and the journey ahead.

Immediately it was clear that Kavita is a dedicated life-long student of energy healing. Her passion is evident by her undivided attention and laser focus.
My Akashic Record Reading was incredibly helpful. Kavita quickly narrowed in to my challenge to ask the right questions to the Record Keepers. She was able to give me insight and practical actionable steps to clear past contracts and vows that no longer serve me, and are no longer relevant to my Life-path progression.
Energetically, I feel lighter, calmer, and in better alignment. Thank you, Kativa for sharing your gifted talents with me. I am forever grateful.


20 August 2021

Ready for a reading?

The humble purpose of the Reader is to shine a light towards Connection and Inclusion, going from Duality to Oneness. The Reader attempts to hold your hand as you begin to experience who you really are.