About The Reader

Dear Wisdom Seeker,

Thank you for visiting this Akashic Records Reading website. May both our journeys be blessed by our meeting.

The Reader.

Why me?

Because the energies of the “Wisdom Seeker” and the “Reader”, are working in synchronicity.  The Reader accepts that each Soul has chosen to explore their own human experience and has profound reverence for their journey.  The Reader’s aim as an Akashic Reading Practitioner is to ask for guidance from your Record Keepers and Guides about where you are in your life at the current moment and how you can make the changes that you desire. You as the Wisdom Seeker will receive healing, guidance and powerful messages from your Record Keepers and Guides and the Reader, as the Reader will receive further spiritual insight.

Namaste Dost

Read The Latest Reviews Here

Ethical Code of Practice towards the Wisdom Seeker

  • The sacred in me recognises the sacred in you and in all of creation.
  • My work as an intuitive and a channel is to serve all who seek out my humble assistance.
  • The Reader accepts the Wisdom Seeker’s point of view with love and compassion.
  • The Reader will protect the information, data and identity of those who work with me.
  • The Reader is a spiritual being in a human body and the Reading is based only on the information the Reader receives from the Wisdom Seeker’s Record Keeper, Masters, Guides and Loved Ones.
  • The Reader will inform the Wisdom Seeker if the Record Keepers do not wish to answer any question they have asked.
  • The Reader encourages the Wisdom Seeker to be present in their lives, their choices and their human experience.
  • The Reader aims to humbly motivate the Wisdom Seeker to take responsibility for their choices which inevitably manifest in the consequences.
  • The Reader would like to inform the Wisdom Seeker that she is not a qualified therapist, counsellor or medical doctor.
  • The Reader has set her fees fairly, in accordance with the number of hours it takes her to prepare for the Readings.
  • The Reader works with integrity for the highest good of the Wisdom Seeker, her own highest good and the good of all.
  • The Reader hopes that the Wisdom Seeker understands that “to find a way out, we first have to find a way in”.

Thank you for reading.

Namaste Dost

Your kind words

I had a Soul Alignment reading with Kavita and I must say that it was really enlightening experience. Kavita was very knowledgeable, intuitive and kind; I could see during the reading that she is a very experienced reader. She accurately described the blockages I’m facing in my life, explained to me how they were originated in previous lifetimes and showed me how to heal them.
I was facing confusion about which career path to follow, but after identifying my natural divine strengths and gifts, I have a better sense of direction and now I know what I need to work on. Thank you!


10 December 2024

What a magical experience. Bliss. It was a truly soothing and beautiful channeling with Kavita- who is such a kind and knowledgeable soul. We did both the soul realignment and a session of channeling with some of the guides. Everything was true, I was totally baffled as it was my first experiences getting in touch with the Akashic records- but wow the connection was intense and everything made sense- at last. I was able to understand my life purpose and feel who I really am inside and how to finally connect with my divine self. I found out about past lives, which karmic debt had affected this life on earth. I finally understood everything about the sexual abuse I encountered in this life on earth. I can heal, getting ready to help heal others in the future. So excited about the journey ahead. Everyone should get in touch with their Akashic records- such a wonderful tool for a harmonious life, we can all change the world to be a loving place. Just let your love and your light flow. Namaste to all 💛


3 September 2024

Ready for a reading?

The humble purpose of the Reader is to shine a light towards Connection and Inclusion, going from Duality to Oneness. The Reader attempts to hold your hand as you begin to experience who you really are.