Guarantee of Satisfaction: No one can guarantee anything to anyone. The reason for this being that much of how our lives play out depends not just on our own choices but also the various energies that surround us. The experience of the Wisdom Seeker and what they gain from the Reading will depend to a large extent on their own intent and choices. My work as an intuitive is to open up a path. The results the Wisdom Seeker will experience will totally depend of how much they are willing to work on their own self-realisation. The Reader cannot guarantee any outcome or result from the Reading. The Wisdom Seeker is responsible for their own interpretation of the messages they receive from their Record Keepers and also for their own actions. The Reading may be considered as spiritual in nature rather than therapeutic or prescriptive. The Reading offers information, support and encouragement based on the information that the Reader receives from your Record Keepers, Masters, Guides and Loved One.
Medical Guarantee: If the Wisdom Seeker has any medical needs, whether physical or psychological it would be my humble request that they seek out a medical practitioner. The work I do in the Spiritual Realm is a journey of a lifetime which unfolds slowly and beautifully. I do not claim to be in the medical profession and cannot advice on medical needs of the Wisdom Seeker.
Confidentiality: The Reader will not disclose or reveal any confidential information she may receive about the Wisdom Seeker during the reading. The Reader will safeguard the Wisdom Seekers information and protect it against misuse.
Recording: The Reader will try her utmost to ensure that the Wisdom Seeker has a recording of their Reading. However, please note that the Wisdom Seeker is paying for the Reading and not for the zoom call. Therefore, if for some reason the Reading is not recorded the price will remain the same.
Cancellation : No shows and cancellation on the day of the meeting are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
50% refund on cancellation 48 hours before the meeting.
Thank you for your kind understanding.
Namaste Dost
Ethical Code of Practice towards the Wisdom Seeker
- The sacred in me recognises the sacred in you and in all of creation.
- My work as an intuitive and a channel is to serve all who seek out my humble assistance.
- I accept the Wisdom Seekers point of view with love and compassion.
- I protect the information, data and identity of those who work with me.
- I am a spiritual being in a human body and my Reading is based only on the information I receive from the Wisdom Seekers Record Keeper, Masters, Guides and Loved Ones.
- I will inform the Wisdom Seeker if the Record Keepers do not wish to answer any question they have asked.
- I encourage the Wisdom Seeker to be present in their lives, their choices and their human experience.
- I aim to humbly motivate the Wisdom Seeker to take responsibility for their choices which inevitably manifest in the consequences.
- I inform the Wisdom Seeker that I am not a qualified therapist, counsellor or medical doctor.
- I set my fees fairly, in accordance with the number of hours it takes me to prepare for the Readings.
- I work with integrity for the highest good of the Wisdom Seeker, my own highest good and the good of all.
- My wish is that the Wisdom Seeker understands that “to find a way out, we first have to find a way in”.
Thank you for reading.
Namaste Dost
Your kind words
Kavita is incredibly knowledgeable about spirituality which is a blessing in and of itself. My Akashic Records reading with her was laser-focused and brought me a ton of clarity – which resulted in me being able to move forward with the issue at hand very quickly. Overall, I felt safe, seen and heard, which is super important to me. Thank you Kavita!
Kavita was very welcoming from the moment we connected online. She took me into a beautiful mediation and then asked to receive guidance for me, from the Akashic record keepers. Together, they provided me with a heart warming message of guidance and wisdom. It was exactly what my soul needed to hear in that ‘now’ moment and has helped to reassure me.Kavita took much joy and pleasure from connecting with the Keepers. It’s her calling to carry on bringing these messages alive.