Live Akashic Records Reading

Live Akashic Records Reading

As an intuitive and a channel  The Reader will access the Akashic Records live with you.  Having an Akashic Reading allows the Records to work with your inner healer in ways that are most beneficial to you.  It is grounding, nourishing and reassuring to be guided by the Masters, Teacher and Loved Ones in the Akashic Records.  Being in the energy of your Records in itself will carry healing whether or not you are aware. This is a tranquil and serene experience and the Reader will guide you with a mediation to find your True Peaceful Self.  You, the Wisdom Seeker will then receive guidance from your Record Keepers and will be invited to ask them specific questions about your life.  Your Record Keepers and Guides love you and will only share with you information that your Soul is ready to receive.  This is a truly profound experience and will leave you energised and grateful for the gifts of you have received from the Universe.

Please be very specific in the questions that you ask within the Records.  Always be mindful that your intent is extremely powerful and you will be guided by your Records Keepers in accordance with your intentions.  Asking for guidance from your Records Keeper through curiosity will not give you an accurate Reading.  Approach the Records Keepers with complete trust, love and acceptance.  The Records Keepers are the keepers of the deepest and the truest part of your Soul.

£118.00 for a 60 minute session (Readings are available via a zoom link or in person) 

Read the latest Reviews here.

Your kind words

I am so greatful for the reading from Kavita, for so many guidance especially a new prospective view to a better relationship with my sister that I love so much.🙏❤ thank you Kavita.


29 September 2021

Kavita is kind, caring and thoughtful and very wise. She fills me up with her confidence and enthusiasm for life. Her intuition was spot on and I would highly recommend a session with her.


24 August 2021

Ready for a reading?

The humble purpose of the Reader is to shine a light towards Connection and Inclusion, going from Duality to Oneness. The Reader attempts to hold your hand as you begin to experience who you really are.