Navigating the Matrix of Life

Observe the Self, sitting quietly within, seldom noticed, yet all the same forever, “navigating the matrix of life”. This begs the question, what is the matrix of life?

The “Self” is navigating its own journey, complete with its experiences, memories and “Karma”- teacher and guide of the “Self”. Thereafter, come the demands of the 3rd dimensional form – the body.

The body with its five senses is constantly looking for expression, release and gratification.

Follow on from the body, is the 4th dimensional mind with its intellectual intelligence and ego.

As the “Self” navigates these two dimensions which are crucial for its survival, it also interacts with the energy that surrounds the body, not just its own energy, but also the energy of everything around it. The “Self” has to comprehend the energy of the people with whom it comes into contact. If that is not enough, then there is the energy which is being expended by the atmosphere.

The atmosphere carries the energy of our collective thoughts and experiences. Beyond the atmosphere is the energy being created by the movement of the essential elements of our planet and the various formation of their alignment! Far beyond that is the totality of the movement of the Universe in its entirety!

The combination of all these filaments creates the matrix of life that the “Self” attempts to navigate as it sits quietly within, seldom being noticed. Boundless and infinite is the capacity of the “Self”.

An Akashic Record Reading with me will gently walk the wisdom seeker towards beginning to unravel the mysteries of the “Self” and take firm steps forward into the realms of navigating the matrix of life. My humble purpose is to shine a light towards Connection and Inclusion, going from Duality to Oneness. My attempt is to hold your hand as you begin to experience who you really are.

Namaste Dost

Soul Realignment™

To know where we are going, we must first know where we came from.  This is the vital information that we can access with the Soul Realignment™ modality of the Akashic Records.  Soul Realignment™ goes deep into learning about your Soul blueprint and your Divine gifts.  When you know what your Divine gifts are you can make choices based on your talents and gifts which will bring immense abundance into your life.  We also dig deep into your Records to find what present and past life blocks and restriction are disempowering you, as a consequence of which you might be experiencing lack in your life.

£208.00 for a 90 minute session (Readings are available on Zoom or in person)

Read the latest Reviews here.

Live Akashic Record Reading

As an intuitive and a channel  I will access the Akashic Records with you.  Having an Akashic Reading allows the Records to work with your inner healer in ways that are most beneficial to you.  It is grounding, nourishing and reassuring to be guided by the Masters, Teacher and Loved Ones in the Akashic Records.  Being in the energy of your Records in itself will carry healing whether or not you are aware. This is a tranquil and serene experience and I will guide you with a mediation to find your True Peaceful Self.  You will then receive guidance from your Record Keepers and will be invited to ask them specific questions about our life.  Your Record Keepers and Guides love you and will only share with you information that your Soul is ready to receive.  This is a truly profound experience and will leave you energised and grateful for the gifts of you have received from the Universe.

£118.00for a 60 minute session (Readings are available on Zoom or in person)

Read the latest Reviews here.

Your kind words

This reading was truly amazing. Helped me to understand more about where I come fron, why I am the way I am, and where I am going. Provided direction and clarity for me to see how I can help my own personal growth. Am excited to do more readings to help myself learn about myself to grow and to move my life forward.


23 August 2023

26 Feb 2023

Kavita has provided both soul realignment and live akashic record reading for me. The whole reading resonated with me; it clarified why I’d have certain unsure thoughts, affirmed my gift which I had a feeling about, and reassured me that whichever path I choose will be the right one.

Kavita’s kind voice explained my records with ease and in detail. I have gained so much from the reading. I’d recommend a session with Kavita for anyone who is in need of hearing the truth about oneself and is willing to do the work to change for a better life. I hope whoever is reading this review will find what you seek.

Ready for a reading?

The humble purpose of the Reader is to shine a light towards Connection and Inclusion, going from Duality to Oneness. The Reader attempts to hold your hand as you begin to experience who you really are.