Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom – Aristotle

An Akashic Record Reading with me leads you into the light of your inner wisdom from where you will begin the healing process. No one can predict the future and those who tell you that they can, are misleading you.

The answers to all your questions, doubts, fears and weaknesses lie within you.  Only you can deliver yourself from suffering, not any concepts, beliefs, systems, emotions or sensations arising from following deities, gurus or spiritual teachers.  Yes, they can show you the path, but they cannot walk the path for you.

We incarnate as individuals. Angels, deities, spiritual leaders and gurus can show us the way and support us, but their experience is theirs and not ours.  We cannot become an Ascended Master by following him/her, we have to do the work on ourselves to reach that height of wisdom and enlightenment. We cannot experientially feel the emotions or think the thoughts that they have.  It is imperative that we all remember this, and this is the work that I do with the Wisdom Seeker who reaches out to me for a Reading.  I help to empower you to find the strength from within to navigate the matrix of life and all that it encompasses.

The wise practices of life are meditative awareness, clear intentions, acting towards yourself and others with compassion and understanding that all of life begins and ends with you. You are the light, the saviour, the destroyer and the protector of your own Soul.  Take responsibility without relying on anything outside of you to deliver you into living a holistic, happy and bountiful life.  Above all, embrace your shadow self, learn to heal it and honour the light within you as you begin to recognise it. Go forth with the understanding that you are only complete when you accept, love and honour both your shadow self and the light within, because they together, complete you.  They are equally important.

The Reader and the Wisdom Seeker can explore these issues together during an Akashic Record Reading.  

It is your road and yours alone, 

Others can walk it with you,

But no one can walk it for you! – Rumi

Namaste Dost – Kavita Pal