My blog
Write and Create
Write and Create - 20 minute short story. One day I decided to become fearless. Who am I writing for, who am I creating for? Me, right! Does it matter if someone enjoys what I write or create? No! The fear is lifted! Many have written and created before me and...
When The Pain Dulls
Have you ever stopped to think what happens when you go through a painful experience? Times when you feel your very heart is being yanked out of your body and, taking a breath requires all the effort required by Hercules to move a mountain. There is only darkness all...
Understanding Karma
“Karma” is the Eastern name for the Law of Cause and Effect. The basic Law governing our existence in this solar system. Every thought that we have, every word we speak and every action that we take sets into motion a cause. These causes have their effects, which...
Know Yourself…
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom – Aristotle An Akashic Record Reading with me leads you into the light of your inner wisdom from where you will begin the healing process. No one can predict the future and those who tell you that they can, are...
And Then, It Spoke To Me!
A shared moment, a delight, an inspiration, a thought. The joy, pure and unadulterated. A blessing from the infinite creator. A dear friend of mine shared this photo of her young son with me. This beautiful child who is like a grandson to me suddenly spoke to me...
Pay Attention To What You Want…
The messages that come from the Record Keepers and Guides during an Akashic Records Reading are always clearer and more coherant than I could put in words. It is as though the clarity is coming from a different dimension. It is, but it never fails to amaze me...