Ancestral Guidance Within The Akashic Records

Ancestral Guidance Within The Akashic Records

In recent months I have been feeling the power and the calling of my ancestors. They are real, they exist and they certainly want to connect with us.  They have an agency of keeping their living descendants alive.  Our Ancestors need us to remember them in our daily...

Live with Joy – Explore the Akashic Records

Live with Joy – Explore the Akashic Records

Live with “Joy” – Explore the Akashic Records What does it mean to live with “joy”?  That which lifts the heart up, brings pleasure, makes the heart sing. The word “joy” conjures up images of smiles, happiness and desires fulfilled.  The word joy often implies that we...



“As we Become who we want to Become, the world around us adjusts to that Becoming”- Kavita Pal What even does the statement above mean? As I began my conscious journey into Self-Realisation the first realisation I came to, hit me like a boulder.  I had never before...



When you think of the word, “power” what image does it conjure up? A body builder demonstrating the bicep curl, the pained face of an athlete sprinting towards the finishing line,..



We create noise and busyness in our lives to avoid having time to look inwards. We are forever searching for the next event that will satisfy us. Why does the search never end, what are we looking for?